dugout|dugouts in English


trench; small boat made from a hollowed out log

Use "dugout|dugouts" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dugout|dugouts" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dugout|dugouts", or refer to the context using the word "dugout|dugouts" in the English Dictionary.

1. The men in two more dugouts gone.

2. The wire was uncut, the dugouts intact.

3. We want them in that dugout.

4. Towards midnight Weir came to the dugout.

5. Manager Davey Johnson hustled out of the dugout.

6. Leyland blew kisses to his family behind the dugout.

7. Attis construction donated concrete work and wooden benches for the dugouts at our baseball fields

8. Aeration systems should operate at between 5 and 12 psi in most dugouts.

9. See him coming from the dugout to warm up.

10. We used buses, trains, trucks, dugout canoes, and small airplanes.

11. Lyall and McGiven in the dugout taking Town to success.

12. Access to the island is by handmade boats or dugout canoes.

13. We traveled in a dugout canoe equipped with an outboard motor.

14. Yes, some projects (e.g. dugouts) may have to be a minimum size to be eligible.

15. I got two season tickets behind the Yankee dugout for tonight.

16. They could feel the reverberation of the explosion in the dugout.

17. By the time he returned to his dugout, he was angry.

18. There, they hunt, fish in dugout canoes, and grow their own food.

19. War thundered and whined around the dugout and battered at the door.

20. Dugout canoes are used to tra ort fresh goods to the market.

21. Synonyms for Bidarka include iqyax, canoe, dugout, kayak, outrigger, pirogue, coracle, piragua and waka

22. To go where dugout canoes cannot reach, one can use the bush taxi.

23. Referee Steve Bennett banished him from the dugout and reported him to the Football Association.

24. Traveling in dugout canoes, traversing rapids, and bypassing waterfalls can be dangerous and tiring.

25. More often, though, they miss, hang a hard left, and return to the dugout.